
Meet the Expert (Virtual Talk on Zoom)

“An Introduction to Showing”

Our first meet the expert will be held on zoom on the 29th August at 7.00pm its topic being:


The speaker will walk you through from where you find shows to how to fill in the entry, types of shows, what lead is best.

You name it, our guest speaker will answer your questions to help ease the path into showing. 

Hilda Monaghan will be your guide and will be ready to answer your questions.

Numbers will be limited to 25. On Zoom.

If you would like to participate please send an email to Eunice King 

Please mark it (Hilda)

Possible Zoom Seminar Topics

At our recent committee meeting it was suggested we hold zoom seminars / chats where the members are invited to get involved. The proposal follows the very successful on-line “chat” that Lee Cox had as part of “Talking Dogs with Ante”

So please get involved!

The committee would like to hear from you regarding subjects of interest to you. We can then hopefully get the appropriate speakers to hold a seminar style evening.

[Now I’m going to get into trouble for this!]

At the committee the first suggestions were “grooming, showing etc.. “

Not putting suggestions here, but why not topics such as Obedience, Mantrailing, Agility (including Hoopers), Scentwork as well as dealing with older dogs, common health issues etc.

I’m sure you will have a lot more!

Please send your suggestions to Eunice King

IVDD Webinar – Waitlist and Recording

The RKC have now opened a waitlist for the webinar. Use the pervious link and I am sure they will advise you if a space becomes available.

Also, and much better news! The webinar is being recorded:

We’re sorry if you’re unable to attend this webinar, however please be aware that a recording of it will be made available on our YouTube channel shortly after: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLofebTUX8k0Z9rpYAKmo2K-Fn4qVjR3xj 

Many thanks to Kim McBain for letting me know as I am sure there are many of you that will find this interesting as it is an issue with Clumbers.

See the following page for more Clumber specific IVDD information – here

RKC Free IVDD Seminar

Thursday 24th August 19.00 – 20.30

The Kennel Club’s health team is hosting a free webinar on intervertebral disc disease (IVDD), a common degenerative neurological condition in dogs, which can unfortunately lead to pain, nerve damage, and even paralysis.

IVDD is caused by a gradual deterioration of the shock absorbing parts of the spine, known as intervertebral discs. As dogs get older, these discs deteriorate and they harden (calcify), which results in diminished shock-absorbing capacity and can subsequently lead to a slipped disc and spinal cord compression. Although IVDD is a complex condition caused by a number of different genes as well as environmental and lifestyle factors, certain breeds experience disc deterioration at much younger ages and are unfortunately known to be predisposed to IVDD. Join our webinar to learn more about what research has told us to date including symptoms, possible treatment options, methods of reducing risk (including details of The Kennel Club IVDD Scheme for Dachshunds), and what future research could teach us.

The webinar will include a presentation from specialist Dr Paul Freeman, Principal Clinical Neurologist at the Queen’s Veterinary School Hospital, University of Cambridge. This presentation will also be followed by a question and answer session, giving attendees a chance to put forward their queries and experiences for discussion.

To register click on the link below
